String And Number methods in JavaScript.

Surya Shakti
4 min readMay 8, 2021

Strings — Any character written inside quotes is considered as a string in JavaScript. If there is nothing inside the quotes then also it is considered as a string. We Can use single or double quotes. We can also use quotes inside a string but they should not match the quotes which are surrounding the string.

String methods

  1. length()
  2. charAt()
  3. indexOf()
  4. lastIndexOf()
  5. toUperCase()
  6. toLowercase()
  7. concat()
  8. trim()
  9. slice()
  10. replace()
  11. split()
  12. substring()

1. The length() Method

The length()method returns the length of the string.

const string = "This is a string.";const strLength = string.length;console.log(`The length of the string is ${strLength}.`);

output : -

The length of the string is 17

2. The charAt() Method

The charAt()method returns the character at specified index which is passed as a parameter in charAt().

const string = "This is a string.";console.log(string.charAt(5));

output :-


3. The indexOf() Method

The indexOf()method returns the index of first occurrence of specified string which is passed as a parameter in indexOf().

const string = "This is a string.";console.log(string.indexOf("is"));

output :-


4. The lastIndexOf() Method

The lastIndexOf()method returns the index of last occurrence of specified string which is passed as a parameter in indexOf().

const string = "This is a string.";console.log(string.lastIndexOf("is"));

output :-


5. The toUppercase() Method

The toUppercase()method converts the string to uppercase

const str3 = "This is a String";const str3Up = str3.toUpperCase();console.log(str3Up);

output :-


6. The toLowercase() Method

The toLowercase()method converts the string to uppercase

const str4 = "THIS IS A STRING";const str4Up = str4.toLowerCase();console.log(str4Up);

output :-

this is a string

7. The Concat() Method

The concat()method merges two or more string into one

const str1 = "This is string 1.";const str2 = "This is String 2.";const concatenatedString = str1.concat(" ", str2);console.log(concatenatedString);

output :-

This is string 1. This is String 2.

8. The trim() Method

The trim()method removes all the whitespaces from both starting and ending of the string.

const stringToTrim = "   string to       trim          ";const trimmedString = stringToTrim.trim();console.log(trimmedString);

output : -

string to       trim

9. The slice() Method

the slice()method returns a part or slice of the given input string. The method takes 2 parameters: the starting index, and the ending index.

const slice = "2020-11-11t08:29:06Tz";const sliced = slice.slice(0,10)console.log(sliced);

output :-


10. The replace() Method

The replace()method replaces a specified value with another value in a string.

const strToReplace = "this is a string";console.log(strToReplace.replace("string", "replaced string"));

output :-

this is a replaced string

11. The split() Method

The split() method converts a string into an array

const strToSplit = "this is a string";const splittedStr = strToSplit.split(' ');console.log(splittedStr);

output :-

["this", "is", "a", "string"]

12. The substring() Method

The substring() method returns the part of the string between the start and end indexes which are passed as parameters in substring() method.

const string5 = "this is a string.";console.log(string5.substring(4,10));

output :-

is a

Numbers — In JavaScript there is only one type of number. It can be written with or without decimals.

Numbers methods

  1. toString()
  2. toExponential()
  3. toFixed()
  4. valueOf()
  5. Number()
  6. parseInt()
  7. parseFloat()

1. The toString() method

The toString() method converts the number to string.

const num = 43516;const numToString = num.toString();console.log(numToString);

output :-


2. The toExponential() method

The toExponential() method converts a number to its exponential form.

Parameters :- it accepts a single parameter and it specifies the number of digits after the decimal.

const num2 = 43516;const numToExponential = num2.toExponential(2);console.log(numToExponential);

output :-


3. The toFixed() method

The toFixed() method formats a number using fixed-point notation.

parameter :- it accepts a single parameter and it specifies the number of digits after the decimal.

const num3 = 4.3516;const numToFixed = num3.toFixed(2);console.log(numToFixed);

output :-


4. The valueOf() method

The valueOf() method in JavaScript is used to return the primitive value of a number.

const num4 = 4.3516;const numValue = num4.valueOf();console.log(numValue);

output :-


5. The Number() method

The Number() is used to convert the variables into numbers.

const str = "23561";const strToNum = Number(str);console.log(strToNum);

output :-


6. The parseInt() method

The parseInt() method converts the string to whole number.

const strr = "23.561";const str2ToNum = parseInt(strr);console.log(str2ToNum);

output :-


7. The parseFloat() method

The parseFloat() method converts the string to floating point number.

const strr = "23.561";const str2ToNum = parseFloat(strr);console.log(str2ToNum);

output :-




Surya Shakti

Computer Science Student, Front-end developer, love photography and paintings, now a blogger too i guess.